Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' De magie van de toverlantaarn
(the miracle of the magic lantern)
Henc R.A de Roo
In januar/februar 2008 the Westfries Museum in Hoorn (the Netherlands) organized a grand exhibition of magic lanterns and magic lantern slides. The producer Olivier Havermans brought a large number of lanterns and slides together and some well-known Dutch lanternists presented here their performances regularly. The exhibition 'Laterna Magica' got a lot of publicity in the media and draw thousands of visitors.

On the occasion of this exhibition the booklet 'De magie van de toverlantaarn' appeared, written by the webmaster and author of magic lantern site 'de Luikerwaal', Henc R.A. de Roo.

Original magic lantern slide used for the cover of the booklet.
La congierge ne badine pas.
De Roo describes among others the invention, the sorts of magic lanterns, slides and mechanical slides, and the use of the magic lantern in the Netherlands. For this purpose he also uses parts of his website. For example the story of Mr. Snore, who was visited by a mouse in the middle of the night and swallowed the poor animal unnoticed when it jumped into his yawning mouth. Beside it, the booklet contains a large number of beautiful colour photos.
Published by the Westfries Museum in Hoorn, thanks to the help of the 'Stichting Vrienden van het Westfries Museum'.

Hoorn (the Netherlands), December 2007.

29.5 x 21 cm; 24 pages.

magic lantern small e.p.
Two illustrations:
Toy lantern, made by Ernst Plank. This barrel shaped type was also produced by some other manufacturers.

Panorama slide from Ernst Plank. Decalcomania, c. 1900.

Available at the author's.
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