Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' War Scenes
depicted on magic lantern slides.
part 2 - The World War (Primus).

The well known manufacturer of magic lantern slides and publisher of the Junior Lecturers' Series, W. Butcher & Sons London, produced under his trade mark Primus this large set of 80 slides called 'The World War' in 1915. The set was divided into ten chapters of eight coloured slides, each chapter packed in a cardboard box and accompanied by a lecture reading. The images were created by top war artists and most of them featured in magazines like The  Illustrated London News, The Sphere, and The Graphic. Mostly a text in a small framework on the slides mentions the source of the picture.

Most details of the set and the separate slides are described in the leaflet below.
This page and the next one show (provisionally) the chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV


Chapter V


More chapters (6 - 10) ......
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